Riding Lessons Children
A safe start!
Our Islandic Horses are safe and kind. Children Rinding Lessons are a 1,5 hour experience in small groups. The riding track is located between the Hov mountain, a long white beach and a cosy farm café. Our riding instructors create a safe and a relaxed atmosphere. Children learn to ride but also to saddle and care for their horse.
We offer regular classes for children from September to June. In summer we have private lessons and lessons on demand.
We have instructors speaking English, Norwegian, German and French.
Who? Children between 8 og 14 years old
When? Spring, Autumn and Winter
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday : 16:30 to 18:00
Pris: 10 lessons = 4500nok (extra child: 4000nok)
5 lessons = 2500nok
1 lesson = 950nok
Booking: info@hovgard.no eller +47 975 59 501